Thursday, March 31, 2011

kuda belangku sayang..

WAHH... sungguh comel lah bila zara pakai seluar berstokin seperti ini (mummy zara mestilah puji anak sendiri haha),, dan lebih comel bila design seluar berstokin itu seolah olah seekor kuda belang yang masih di peringkat baby, dan lebih menakjubkan bila kuda belang itu memakai pula topi berwarna merah jambu. ( jgn marah daddy!)
daddy zara beli legging ni (betul ke nama dia legging saya sebat ajelah haha) dengan kawan seopis dia.. harganya rm10 sehelai. Mula2 daddy dia beli sehelai, atas permintaan ramai (permintaan mummy shj sebenarnya hihi), daddy dia beli lagi 1. minggu lepas masa jalan2 jalan kat jalan TAR, terbeli lagi 2 helai pulak.. sebab harganya yang murah RM2 dari harga kawan seopis daddy. Siap dengan skirt lagi. Memang comel lah!
mm... agaknya ada tak legging untuk orang dewasa ya. mummy nak belikan sehelai untuk daddy lah.
(harap daddy faham2 ya... hihii) 

tennis player hit a ball towards crying baby. (what a moron!!)

David Ferrer was preparing to serve in his Sony Ericsson Open quarterfinal match against American Mardy Fish when the sound of a bawling child filled the stadium court. The sixth-ranked Spaniard briefly paused, but decided to play through the noise.
Ferrer lost the point. Then he lost his composure. Looking in the general direction of the crying baby, Ferrer lobbed a ball into the crowd in frustration. He went on to lose the next point and four straight games, capping a complete second-set meltdown.
Ferrer's actions were reckless and immature. It was a bully move borne out of frustration. He hit a ball in anger toward the crowd, which is never acceptable, particularly when it's at a defenseless child. He's lucky he didn't get a warning or a fine. He's even more lucky the ball didn't come close to hitting anybody.
Is all that out of the way? Good. Because while I believe everything in the previous paragraph, there's another big issue at hand: Who brings a baby to a tennis match?
There are two places babies don't belong: bars and any place where silence is greatly valued. Find a babysitter. Leave the child outside the stadium with your wife. Or, better yet, watch the match on TV. (But not in a bar.) Ferrer was wrong for overreacting, but the father is equally wrong for putting his child in that situation.
Fish defended Ferrer after the match. "He'd probably take that one back if he could," he said. "He's a very nice guy. Obviously flustered."
For his part, Ferrer didn't blame the baby for his meltdown, saying a bout of indigestion is what caused the collapse of his game. "[The crying baby] was in one moment of the match, but nothing special," he said. "It was not the problem."
No, the problem was Ferrer's boorish behavior, which was caused just as much by his decision to play through the noise than it was from the noise itself. The instant Ferrer thought he shouldn't serve, he should have backed away from the baseline to collect himself. When he lost the point, he seemed more frustrated at himself for playing rather than the child.
His warning shot worked, by the way. The child stopped crying after Ferrer launched the ball into the stands.

Ok, the news ends here.

Now what i have to say:

·                                   It seems to me that the only morons in this situation are the player and the people stupid enough to take this sport seriously enough to defend his actions. If he cant play through it just because of one crying kid, he better stays at home or work in a hospital where silence is not only compulsory but also greatly valued. He is sooo lucky that the ball does not come any close to hit the baby. Maybe we should outlaw this game or at least player who wish to play must go beyond a mental check first! 
      Ohh... Tennis fans, come on,  watch a real sport where being loud is not only tolerated but expected!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

pagi yang kesiangan

Tepat pukul 6.30, alarm dari handphone nokia baru yang suamiku belikan menjerit kuat takde kesian kesian. Takut anak bucuk ku berumur 10 bulan terjaga dari lenanya yang memang tak berapa lena tu, teraba raba aku cari button STOP nak bagi senyap handphone tu. Lepas bilik kembali sunyi sepi takde gangguan mana mana puaka digital mahupun analog, aku ngan dak ucuk sedap sedap menyambung tidur.
Tepat pukul 7.25, bunyi alarm yang memang aku set kan untuk start enjin kereta halus mulus mencucuk cucuk corong telinga aku yang baru nak menggeliat geliut. Bingkas bangun ngan sekali henjut, aku sambar dak ucuk ngan bantal bantal dia sekali, melayang turun bagi kat nenek dia yg dah start pot pet pot pet kat tingkat bawah. Pastu terbang balik naik tingkat atas, selepas mandi macam tak mandi, sambil pakai safety boot aku ambush dak ucuk ngan sedas dua flying kiss. Pastu terus pecut gi opis macam jalan tu digazetkan atas nama bapak aku.
Sampai kat gate guard house, tak segan segan amik corner pada halaju sepoi sepoi bahasa 50km/jam, aku sengih tajam kat adik guard sambil jeling tengok jam kereta yang memang aku set sama ngan jam kat guard house tu. Ngam ngam pukul 8.00am.
Esok esok boleh buat lagi.